How Cone Beam 3-D X-Rays Are Improving Dental Implant Results
The most cutting edge technology in the dental field right now is Cone Beam 3-D X-Rays, also referred to as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). What are the advantages of using CBCT over other technologies such as panoramic x-rays or a standard CT scan as one might receive at a hospital? Let’s take a look at 5 ways that cone beam technology is improving dental implant results for patients.
#1: Reduced Cost – A 3-D Cone Beam image is all your dentist needs in order to proceed. One x-ray saves you money over the multiple x-rays that were needed when comparing 2-D images to get a better overview of the teeth, gums, and jawbone.
#2: Time-Saving – The upper and lower jaw are x-rayed at the same time. Combining this with 3-D imaging allows you to get in and out quickly when it comes to your consultation.
#3: One Visit – Again saving you time and money, Cone Beam 3-D imaging allows you to make one trip to the dentist rather than having to schedule a separate appointment at a hospital or diagnostic imaging center to get a traditional CT scan.
#4: Reduced Radiation – Most people are happy to learn that they are receiving as little radiation as possible when having x-rays done. Replacing multiple x-rays with one x-ray is a great way to reduce radiation.
#5: Accuracy of Placement – 3-D imaging helps to ensure precision placement and orientation of dental implants while helping to reduce the risks of nerve or sinus injury. Plus, being able to see clearly which size implant is optimal helps to ensure that the procedure takes successfully.
Orangevale Dental – Leading the Way in Dental Implant Technology

2D Vs. 3D X-Ray
At Orangevale Dental, our goal is to provide you with quality, long-lasting results. To that end, we employ the latest technology in the dental field, including Cone Beam 3-D X-ray technology. By helping you to get your consultation done in one visit and with one scan, we save you time and money, and reduce your radiation exposure. It’s all part of our commitment to treating every patient as part of our family.