Oral Health FAQs

The best way to keep your teeth clean is to brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste that has fluoride in it at least twice a day. Rinse with a mouthwash that is healthy for the teeth, and floss at least once a day if you can’t floss after every brushing.

The dentist will examine the teeth by sight and by taking X-rays to determine if there are any cavities between the teeth. X-rays are safe for adults and children.


What are Cavities?


In order to keep a smile that is beautiful, avoid eating foods that are hard so that the teeth don’t chip and break. Braces and other orthodontic treatments can be used to straighten the teeth if they are crooked to give you a smile that you desire.

When there is a cavity in the tooth, the dentist will remove the cavity and fill the tooth with a substance that will be hard so that the tooth can still be used. This is often an amalgam filling as the material last longer.

Talk to the dentist about the treatments offered. The dentist will explain everything that will be don, and there is sedation dentistry if you need work like fillings or a root canal.

You should visit a dentist you are comfortable with once every six months. If work needs to be done to the teeth, then other appointments will be made around your schedule.

The gums should not bleed when you brush. This could be a sign of the start of gum disease, or you might be brushing too hard.

Sealants can be placed on the back teeth as these see the most pressure from eating. Maintain proper oral health by brushing and flossing, and avoid eating foods that have a high sugar content. This also includes drinks like sodas.

Parents can start when babies are about six months old by cleaning the gums with a wet cloth. This should be done in a gentle fashion. Some dentists will see children as young as one year.

If you experience any kinds of odd tastes in the mouth or notice any pains from the teeth or gums, you need to let the dentist know.